Honey, I’m sorry I snapped at you, I was a little stressed
By Savanna Zar AMFT Do you think it’s selfish to take care of yourself? Well, think again. Not only is it not selfish, it’s necessary! And it’s good for your relationship. If you had to envision your ideal “me time,” what would it look like? A bath, spa day,...
Silver Linings of Covid-19
This time last year the phrase “social distancing” entered our vocabularies. We gained an understanding of pandemics beyond the frightening depictions in nightmarish movies. We hungrily turned to organizations, doctors we’d never thought of before. The CDC, Dr. Fauci....
One Simple & Achievable way to Sustain a Happy Relationship
Have you ever fallen? Not in love. I mean literally... fallen. A little while ago I became well acquainted with the floor of the hotel I was staying in. I wasn’t paying attention and ended up taking a bit of a fall while attempting to lift a heavy suitcase. I felt my...
My Holiday Gift to Men Everywhere: A Letter To Your Wives and Girlfriends
My Holiday Gift to Men Everywhere: A Letter To Your Wives and Girlfriends Dear Wives & Girl Friends, This fun and festive holiday season brings much promise. There will be parties, celebrations, and gift exchanges. Colorful trees, sweet & familiar...
Summer Vacation as a Litmus Test
Summer Vacation as a Litmus Test: How to Communicate your way to a great vacation! By: Ingrid Jacob-Hicks, M.A. MFT Intern Putting all routine aside, you decide it’s time for a break and to spend time with your family. Great idea - sounds simple, right?...
Love Lessons from the Bachelorette: This Can’t be Love?
Love Lessons from the Bachelorette: This Can't be Love? By Dr. Bonnie Kennan, MFT Come on, admit it. You watched it, I know you did. This confession comes out in the privacy of my therapy office more than you can imagine: On Monday night you curled up in...
How To Succeed At Last-Ditch Couples Therapy (With Really Trying, But Trying Effectively)
How To Succeed At Last-Ditch Couples Therapy (With Really Trying, But Trying Effectively) By Dr. Bonnie Ray Kennan, MFT Another relationship bites the dust. It is an occupational hazard for a couples therapist, sad, nonetheless. Despite my best efforts to help...
HOW DOES JOHN GOTTMAN PREDICT DIVORCE? By Dr. Bonnie Ray Kennan, MFT Do you recognize any of these warning signs that your relationship might need some work? The First Sign: Harsh Startup 96% of the time you can predict the outcome of a...
Ten Fool Proof Ways To Fail in Couples Therapy
Ten Fool Proof Ways To Fail in Couples Therapy By Dr. Bonnie Ray Kennan, MFT Only come to therapy in CRISIS or six years after your relationship has gone sour. Keep in mind that your ultimate goal in couple's therapy is to prove that you are right and your...
Save Valentine’s Day By Putting On Your Rose-Colored Glasses
Save Valentine's Day By Putting On Your Rose-Colored Glasses By Dr. Bonnie Ray Kennan, MFT Are you avoiding Hallmark stores this time of year? Do you cringe, then quickly change the channel, when the Pajama-gram ads air? Are you secretly hoping...
Love Lessons From The Political Season
Love Lessons From The Political Season By Dr. Bonnie Ray Kennan, MFT I would love to be a fly on the wall when Democratic strategist James Carville, and his wife, Mary Matalin (Republican commentator) end their day. No, I am not talking about their sex...
What I Learned About Couples Counseling From My Zumba Teacher
What I Learned About Couples Counseling From My Zumba Teacher By Dr. Bonnie Ray Kennan, MFT It was a cruel Monday morning after a weekend of excess that I decided to mix it up at the gym: No mind-numbingly dull treadmill while watching Matt Lauer and crew...